5 TipsTo Grow #39

Here are my “5 Tips To Grow” for you, a list of what I’ve learned, experienced, or enjoyed most in previous weeks.

What I’m writing:

The only thing in life that remains stable is changes. There always will be something that affects our daily life or journey towards our goals. There will be failures and tough times. How do you respond to adversity, to some bad luck, to your failures? That is the criteria for how successful you will be. Last week I shared a story in this blog post I learned from Harvey Mackey that will change the way you react to adversity and the way how you look at a cup of coffee. You will never look at a cup of coffee the same again.

Read that inspiring story here: https://4residualinc.com/inspiring-story-of-how-to-respond-to-adversity/

The past three episodes of Tips To Grow: 3837, and 36

What I’m reading:

Some time ago I was introduced to one of the most connected business leaders in the world Harvey Mackey. He has also written a number of world bestsellers like Swim with the Sharks Without Being Eaten Alive: Outsell, Outmanage, Outmotivate, and Outnegotiate Your Competition (Collins Business Essentials) and Dig Your Well Before You’re Thirsty. Now in my hands is his latest book You Haven’t Hit Your Peak Yet!: Uncommon Wisdom for Unleashing Your Full Potential.

Well, any businessperson knows it takes determination to reach the finish line. The business world is constantly changing so it’s essential to learn, adapt, and grow. In all-new pieces of wisdom, common sense, and advice, Harvey Mackay shares his decades of business leadership acumen to show you how to stay relevant, fluid, and on the path to success.

  • Find out how adversity can be your best friend
  • Use humility in your successes to make good business partners
  • Stop riding a dead horse
  • and more

Short stories told with the sort of straight-shooting humor that only Harvey Mackay can deliver, You Haven’t Hit Your Peak Yet is your personal road map for the route that can take you to the top.

Get it on Amazon: You Haven’t Hit Your Peak Yet!: Uncommon Wisdom for Unleashing Your Full Potential

My Favorite podcast episode:

“Self-awareness is gained by self-evaluation. If you want to be better aware of who you are, where you can grow, how you can uniquely give or serve, you need to evaluate yourself.” In this episode of The Brendon Show, Brendon Burchard shares a basic model of how to evaluate your own progress each day. Only by self-evaluation, we can reach the next level.

Worth reading/watching:

  • Do you still worry about what others will think about you? What Would Life Be Like If You Could Stop Worrying About What Others Think? T.Harv Eker has some good tips on How to Stop People-Pleasing (And Still Be Nice)
  • If you want to succeed in the Network Marketing business, you may be interested to learn a concept called LATER by Frazer Brooks. Well, it’s not “do it later” 😀  Take a look at what thee acronym means
  • Watch this recording of Dr. Paul Clayton’s lecture – Inflammation, Health, and Performance. This lecture dedicated to professionals in the sport as well as anyone who is physically active and would like to be more fit.

What I’m thinking about:

I can’t change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination. – Jimmy Dean


If you enjoy “5 tips to grow”, please let me know what do you like best, your questions and suggestions about what you would like more, less. Just use hashtag #5TipsToGrow or tweet to @GundarsMinalgo.

Thanks for reading!

Have a very successful next week!


P.s. There are two types of people in the world, those that resign themselves to a lifetime of commuting to work and those that have discovered the magic of residual income and are working towards that. Would it be ok if I invite you to the free webinar to discover one way to work towards residual income? If yes, just click here and follow instructions.

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