33 Success reminders to get into momentum

Feel stuck? You desperately need something to get started? So often we are looking for the right solution to get us moving. But sometimes the solution is not so far away, we have all that we need to get it moving again.

Recently I went through the same feelings and was looking outside for a solution again. I had that feeling of being stuck and something urgent to go into the market and find something new. I landed on a page where was described the ASK method and how to choose your market.

Long story short now I’m a huge fan of Ryan Levesque, went through his books “Ask” and “Choose” and also his QUIZ masterclass. To be honest I have not seen anything like that in my career before. Ryan so into it, delivered and over-delivered everything at the super top level.

If you are not familiar with Ryan, here’s a little about him.

Ryan Levesque is the Inc. 500 CEO of The ASK Method® Company, and the #1 national best-selling author of Ask, which was named by Inc. as the #1 Marketing Book of the Year. His work has been featured in the Wall Street Journal, USA Today, Forbes, and Entrepreneur, and over 250,000 entrepreneurs subscribe to his email newsletter offering business advice. He is also a co-founder and investor in bucket.io®, a leading marketing funnel software for entrepreneurs.

Two of his book has helped a lot of people to find their market and build there very successful businesses.

I learned so much in this masterclass and decided to share some of the lessons also with you. I think the best way it would be by simply going through 33 success reminder that may help to get into momentum also for you as it helped thousands of Ryan students.

33 success reminders to get into momentum

1. If it were easy, everyone would have achieved this already

2. In order to achieve what others haven’t achieved, you need to be willing to do what others aren’t willing to do

3. The name of the game is to stay in the game until you win the game

4. Do not wait for “permission” to move forward

5. Do not wait for coach our course advisor to ” approve” your work

6. Better ask for “forgiveness” than ” permission

7. Take what you’re learning from the examples shared, and take action

8. It is not about getting it perfect, it’s about getting it going

9. The only constant in life is change

10. All platforms will change

11. The world will change

12. Seek comfort, in the discomfort

13. Take one step at the time

14. Use the power of micro-commitments

15. Ask yourself, what’s one step you can take that’s so small… it’s impossible to fail

16. Compare yourself only to your previous self

17. You are in the “messy middle”

18. It’s normal to feel this way when you haven’t been through this before

19. Trust the process

20. Fall in love with the process, divorce results

21. Taking action, in spite of uncertainty, will yield clarity and progress in a way that sitting, obsessing, worrying, over-thinking simply will not

22. Do not overthink it

23. Motion breeds clarity

24. You do not have to get it perfect, you just have to get it going

25. Done if better than perfect

26. The best time to get it going is right here right now today

27. When it doubt, just keep swimming

28. You’ve got this (You really do)

29. Follow the instruction at least ones

30. Emulate before you innovate.

31. Never let your pipes freeze

32. Fortune is in the follow-up

33. Take time to look back and celebrate your wins

As always reminders work when you see them often enough. So, write them down, set as reminders in your phone or print out and leave in different places in your house. Or simply follow me on twitter where I share them one by one together with other success reminders.

At the end of the QUIZ Masterclass, I put together my own Quiz “What’s Your Healthy Living Score”. So, I invite you to take 60 seconds out of your time and go through this assessment.

Go to the QUIZ “What’s your healthy living score” here.


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