Tag: Tips and Tricks

Best habits for success and health

Every action, every situation in our life is a result of the habits we have developed during our time. If we want to improve something in our life we should think about habits and review our daily routines. We are creatures of habit. Those very same habits either help us …

How to Give a One Minute Presentation

When it comes to building success it is important to follow people who already have done the thing. It is not easy, they are usually quite busy and not easily accessible.  But there is a workaround – find and attend conferences where they do their speeches and learn some gold …

How to silence your haters

As soon as you have some kind of success in any area, you have to meet the ugly side of that – meet the haters. They are always there. It’s inevitable. But how to deal with them. In fact, this is one of the reasons a lot of people fail …