Happy New Year 2016!

Best Wishes to You and Your family! Have a Happy and very successful next year!

We’re about to step into 2016, this year was a big step forward for me. I started a lot of new things, learned a lot of new knowledge and expecting even more in next 2016.

Most important thing I learned is that only me myself is responsible for my future. There is no one who can I blame for my failures, in fact, there are no failures! 🙂 Those are necessary steps to get to success you deserve!

Today, the last hours of 2015 I and my family will spend by setting new goals and new action plans for next year.

This is how we plan to do it, you should try it too:

1. Set your goal and then multiply it 10 times 🙂 Yes set one really big and crazy goal. If you will have such goal you will find yourself 10 times more motivated to accomplish it. Most important: Write that goal down or put it to the wall so you can see it every day

2. Set 12-month action plan to accomplish it. Break down the actions needed to accomplish that goal into monthly “chunks and choose 1 or 2 for each month and commit to incorporate it into your daily and weekly task list.

Hope you will have now your goal for next year!

So, from my family to you again: Happy and very successful New Year!

See you next year!

P.s. Setting goals is the first step in turning invisible into the visible. – Tony Robbins

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