Tag: Goal Setting

5 Tips To Grow #31 – Goal-Setting

Happy New Year! We are already a couple of weeks in. How are you doing? Are your New Year Resolution ready, new plans are set? My first “5 Tips To Grow” this year is dedicated to new year resolutions, goal-setting. What I’m doing: It is a goal-setting time. Still working …

10 Benefits Of Goal Setting

What is the big difference between successful people and unsuccessful people?  This question usually comes up after you have failed ( a sometimes couple of times) in any business. Then you start to analyze what went wrong and what should be done differently. It happened to me also a couple …

Happy New Year 2016!

Best Wishes to You and Your family! Have a Happy and very successful next year! We’re about to step into 2016, this year was a big step forward for me. I started a lot of new things, learned a lot of new knowledge and expecting even more in next 2016. …